In Memory of Our Beloved Artist
Julie Jordan

June 10, 1960
February 9, 2007

There's a beauty that I noticed
and it comes deep within the soul.
It's so nice to know God's love in you
will always show.

Julie's Christography

As Seen Through Jesus' Eyes

I look into Julie's eyes and see a heart that hurts for the poor and needy. This was the same call for her friend John. Together you shared your gifts to those around, John's words and Julie's artistry. These gifts will go into eternity. For what is done for Me will always last. My Julie found herself by enjoying long walks and seeing puppies in the shopping mall was special to her. She called the pups, “puppers”. My Julie also found joy going to Estes Park, where the mountain air and special shops were always a treat. Shopping was the job Julie loved the most. To discover a precious jewel in a thrift shop was a delight. It was fun to watch Julie carefully look over each potential find. Julie also loved her family, although apart, they were always dear to her heart. That was truly the greatest pain that she knew. The fear of bad health kept Julie away far too long.

Julie's passing is not something to be grieved for she knew she was truly going into My Father's Arms. For precious in My sight is the death of my saints.

Welcome Home Julie


Heaven Makes Everything Right

When there's a tragedy and we ponder the What ifs;
We may agonize what could have been different from this.
Heaven makes everything right.
For whether now or later
A saint is called home,
The victory is won,
We don't have to second guess.

For eternity is the same,
As we are found in Him.
Heaven releases the pain,
As Jesus provides Love through His name.

The end is the same,
“At Home at Last,”
We proclaim.

Written by John J. Brobst
Feb. 11, 2007

Holding Julie's Hand

Someday in Heaven I will hold your hand,
Someday we will walk together,
Someday we will sing the Song of Jesus.

For now I can only wait,
As you have gone before me.

I still long to see your face,
I still long to be in that place.
I still long to hold your hand.
All this awaits in that Heavenly place.

Julie, I still cry a tear,
I still want to hold you near.
I miss the smile on your face,
I miss the laughter.
I long to be in that place.

I still long to see your face,
I still long to be in that place.
I long to hold your hand.
All this awaits in that Heavenly place.