All projects are on my flash drive from John the Poet Ministries.
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John Brobst
5115 Holly Ave. N.W.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Project 1)The Believer’s Passovers 24 poems about Easter and the Passover with Gospel Testimony
God Smiling at Me
I looked into God's face and what did I see?
Behold Father God was smiling at me.
How could this be?
God smiling at me.
Then I remembered,
"For God so loved the world,"
Included a sinner like me.
Still God smiling at me?
What of His Holiness?
What about His wrath?
God smiling at me?
Then I sensed someone holding me tight.
It was the Arms of Jesus,
Wrapped in delight.
He said,
"For you I was crucified."
Then I knew the smile of God,
Cost Jesus His Life.
I then felt the scars in the hands of this One.
Eternity would declare Christ's payment complete.
he risen Savior's greatest Victory was in death's defeat.
Project 2) God’s Great Love, God’s Great Beauty A poem track of Gospel poems and gospel witness.
Across A Bridge
I found myself broken,
Laid as a beggar,
Just outside the rich man’s gate.
Was my name,
I was unable to move
And I cried to be set free.
The rich man’s door never opened.
No comfort on earth was ever found.
,Another door was opened,
As an earthly life found it’s end.
As I beheld the Pure One,
He beheld me as a beloved friend.
Clothed in White,
He heard my misery cry.
He gathered me in His arms,
And began to carry me across a bridge,
That was designed by His grace alone.
The bridge was formed by two pieces of wood,
With nails,
Left and right and one below.
Like a little lamb,
My Savior carried me to the still waters,
Around His Father’s throne.
The Father shown so brightly,
Oh, what Glory to behold.
Project 3)Another Man of Gadarenes A Poets Look At Scripture A large collection of poetry that is shared by John
A 2nd Look at the 23rd Psalm
The Lord,
The hope in my heart,
When my reasoning ends.
He is the One that truly makes a difference in life
And never pretends.
He is the One that gives rest,
When your frustration ends.
He leads me to a place,
Where His Love is my friend.
He gives me wisdom,
To discern my life's right from wrong.
He leads me to a place,
Where His prayer is my song.
Although doubts may come,
As I look for His face.
The waves are soon calmed by His touch of grace.
The table in Heaven is now made ready,
The Servant of Truth,
Blesses all with His Presence.
The Cup of Life is shared,
Surely Heaven's blessings overflow.
As I,
In His presence shall dwell.
Project 4) Jesus And Santa A book of Special poems for the Christmas
The Messiah Had Come At Last
It was a time nearly two thousand years ago,
In a stable in a far away land.
That the hope of all mankind was born into
A world that cried out for God's special plan.
This plan was that of God's Son,
Who came so that the world
Would be set free.
Free to be the way it was meant to be.
How could a Child do this great of task?
Well, it would be because
The Messiah had come at last.
Foretold by the Prophets of old,
This Babe would grow into the most
Caring Man this world had ever know.
Giving Himself as a sacrifice
For yours and my sins to atone.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Project 5)Take UpYour Cross A large collection of poems about the fundamentals of the faith
Heaven Makes Everything Right
When there’s a tragedy and we ponder the What ifs
We may agonize what could have been different from this.
Heaven makes everything right.
For whether now or later
A saint is called home,
The victory is won,
We don’t have to second guess.
For eternity is the same,
As we are found in Him.
Heaven releases the pain,
As Jesus provides Love through His name.
The end is the same,
“At Home at Last,”
We proclaim.
Project 6) A Poet’s Passovers A Christography about John’s life told through Jesus’ eyes
Another Man Of Gadarenes is a story of God being glorified by His faithfulness to His child John. Jesus loves John so much and in so many ways. The first part of the love story is His love through chastening.
Hebrews 12:6 “For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth every Son whom He receiveth.” (KJV)
Beyond chastening God made Himself known by revealing Truth to John through the Word of God.
John's story is told through Jesus' Eyes. If told through John's eyes it would be discouraging.
Through Jesus' Eyes we see God at work in John's life.
Why Another Man Of Gadarenes?
In the Bible we find two men possessed with demons. Jesus loved them enough to deliver them both. In another place we find only one emphasized and the story of the swine. John likens himself touched like the other man not mentioned.
John was not possessed, but severely oppressed by The Liar and The Destroyer. His battle was so intense that for twenty of his forty years of faith he faced suicidal thoughts.
This book tells of this Journey.
Like Joshua's story in Scripture, John is being lead into the Promised Land. The Promised Land was found by John when he learned that his life is not about himself, but his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This book is written as a Pathway of Truth that has lead a sinner to be a fully assured Saint.
Project 7) A sermon by John about being delivered like one of the men at Gadarenes with poetry put to music.
Project 8) A Touch Of Music Fundamentals of the Faith
For One Soul by John Beers and Friends
I have a variety of music to share. There is twenty two selections to hear.It includes three poems that I read. It also has two children song sung by children, John Beers is the other main contributor. One special song Our Lives Are Woven In Love was created by my sister Cindy. The title of the album is For One Soul. The purpose of the album was to encourage us to share our faith with others. One track I'd like to share in its entirety is Looking Into The Savior's Eyes tells of Jesus' great love for us.
Here is some extra music clips from the album For One Soul:
Project 9) 11 songs sung by music therapist Amy Cobb
Here is some music clips from the album Abiding:
Choose two projects to send to you freely by sending me your address to brobsterpoet@gmail .com
I want to invite you to my first completed Christography (My life through Christ's Eyes) from beginning to end for easier reading. The story is at my Blog Another Man of Gadarenes and Another Man Continues. I am humbled by God's grace that is leading me to a place of use. My story is a hard one and yet I have God's promise that as I glory in my weaknesses he will anoint and bless the visitors of my site
A Chapter of Another Man Of Gadarenes..
The Trial of Three Fathers
A lot of the time directly following John's breakdown focused on John's father. John had finally been able to sleep with the help of medication. John's mother had to find a psychiatrist to let John stay in the hospital. John's grandfather woke up joking a little about what happened until he looked in the mirror. John's dad would leave Des Moines to go home. John's dad and three sisters would have a shadowed meeting as John's dad cried relating the horrible thing that had happened. John's mother felt this was the worst thing she had ever experienced. There would be a fear towards John for many years.
A side note: John's dad read out of the book that had manipulated John and found a weird feeling as well as nightmares surrounding what he read.
Grandpa Brobst was in the hospital for a few days then released. John was able to find a way to rest. He did not need to worry about everyday life and could sense recovery. Immediate pressure of school and usual way of life were let go. John did not know the exact condition of his grandfather. That condition was a trial yet to be faced.
A week later, John's dad returned to Des Moines in a terrible snowstorm. Just like John's dad's painful storm of life, he faced a real storm that could have cost him his life. A car ahead of him was off the side of the road teetering on a ledge. If John's dad put on the breaks he too would go over the ledge.
My Heavenly Father was caring for these storms. As John's dad reached John's grandparent's house, Grandpa Brobst sat down in a chair and started feeling a rupture. John's dad and uncle realizing something was wrong carried grandpa immediately to the car. John's grandpa's spleen had ruptured. By God's grace an expert surgeon was there and he speedily stopped the bleeding.
John's dad was facing the worst possible situation, the earthly loss of his own father and the commitment of his son. My Heavenly Father would intervene through the prayers of John's family. John's father would feel drained, helpless, and his heart was racing. My Father would lead John's dad to an empty room to pray. John's dad was also experiencing feelings of death. His strength would come from My Father. My Father answered all the prayers that weekend. Grandpa Brobst lived for many more years following. John and Grandpa Brobst were even reunited in a loving way. John gave grandpa a comforting touch just before grandpa went home to My Father and I. My John would be indebted to older people as a ministry after this.
From John's Christography.
Other Thoughts From John The Poet My ministry was officially started as I shared the message of Another Man of Gadarenes at my Church's evening service in May.
Through trials and life experiences, with loved ones that have died, I want to share poems that can honor God's care and being there. I would like to introduce you to my new booklet, Believer's PassOvers, by doing a personal reading of the Introduction. Two poems in the booklet are about the 23rd Psalm and my personal look at how it relates to my life. A Song of Job is about my trials that are similar to Job's struggles.
I also like to introduce an CD called For One Soul. The album was produced by Mark Pence and the lyrics by myself. The CD has 3 poems that I read with nineteen other songs. Two of the songs were sung by children, Il'ya and Margaret, and the rest were sung by John Beers. The title song For One Soul was written to encourage us to have burden for the lost. The poem A Cross A Bridge is a word picture of what Christ has done for us. The poem God Smiling At Me tells us how God accepts us because of what Jesus has done.
The Gospel At A Glance
As a cold drink of water refreshes the parched body, so good news injects hope into hearts of despair. Then, the Gospel fittingly referred to as the Good News offers us an oasis in the desert of sin and separation from God.
God explains the seriousness of our bad news- “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Nobody on his own or her own merit is able to stand before God's holiness. What is worse is that “…the wages of sin is death,” (Romans 6:23). Not only does sin keep us from reaching God's standard; it has a price of death (eternal separation from God).
In the hopelessness of this bad news-God brings a flood of Good News to wipe out the sin problem. “Christ died for our sin, according to the Scriptures…” (1 Corinthians 15:3). His death paid the penalty that would have only been satisfied with our own separation from God.
God is offering an exchange to anyone that is willing to trade in the bad news (sin that separates) for the good news (God's acceptance and eternal life). To trade, one only needs to reject his or her own plan for dealing with sin and accept God's plan.
Therefore, if anyone believes (as the Bible teaches) that Jesus' death is the only satisfactory payment for sin, than that person will receive access to God and eternal life. Will you receive this message and this Savior? “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12)
“For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, least any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8,9)
By John's Pastor Scott Owen