
I'd like to share some of my poetry which is all about relationship with God. I've been writing poetry for 35 years and received it as a gift from God shortly after becoming a Christian. My poetry are my illumination of the scriptures I read. It's always a good thing when I'm writing new poetry. I'd like to share some poetry that is read by myself, which is also available on my CD. The poem Across A Bridge is a verbal picture of coming to heaven through the Cross. God Smiling At Me is another picture of how the Cross provides redemption.

My Recent Poems

A Beautiful Song

Oh Lord,
Make my life a beautiful song.

One where my heart in You,
Is where I belong.

May the actions of my life,
Be filled with grace.

One where I am an example,
Of God's own Face.

Oh Lord,
Make my life a beautiful song.
With all my heart may I sing along.

May it share the beauty of
My Lord and King.
As His love is manifested in me.

Make my life a beautiful song.

A song hope filled as God's Love
Is strong.
In the place where I belong.

With all my heart may I sing along.

Make my life a beautiful song.

Oh Lord,
Thank You for hearing this prayer.
I know it's true.
I will become a beautiful song 
For You.

A Heavenly Song

Holy Spirit lead me to Your Heavenly Song.
The One all the Angels Know.
The One the Saints speak before the throne.
Lead me to your Heavenly Song.
One where the Lamb is made known,
One where the Father's Love is shown.

Lea me to a Heavenly Song,
As the Chorus is sung by everyone.
Bowing the knee,
Remembering the Tree,
Lead me to a Heavenly Song.

A song where all bow the knee,
Into all Eternity.
Lead mew to a Heavenly Song.
Where the Father and the Son,
by the Holy Spirit,
All may come.

Only through You,
Holy Spirit,
All may come.

Only through You,
Holy Spirit,
Can the Father be shown.

Lead Me to a  Heavenly Song 

Believer's Poetry

Simply Believe

Simply believe, Simply receive.
A child can do it,
Why can’t we?

The faith that’s needed comes,
As the heart that sees,
Jesus did what we all need.

A gift given, a gift received.
The hard part is done,
By the One that bleeds.

For all that know,
Comes to Him,
As the seed is sown.

A heart that’s made tender,
By God’s love shown.

A child can do it.
Why can’t we?

For those that know,
Why He came.
Will you choose to again delight?
And receive your hearts desire,
God’s peace,
As His love provides.


Ephesians 2: 8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of` God: not of works, lest any man should boast.

A Joy Like He

As we take up our Cross,
Will we be like He?
Looking for the joy
Past the pains that be.

For a true look of Faith,
Is filled with the Grace,
That comes from seeing Our Savior,
Working in Our place.

Applying what He has learned,
In our hearts as we yearn,
To find a joy in the trial,
A thanksgiving with a smile.

We all will face like He,
The trials that must be,
As we glory in our infirmities,

As we take up our Cross,
Will we be like He.

Looking for the joy,
Past the pain that be.

Best Of John The Poet

With A Promise

Oh Lord,
May your Word be enlightened,
That I might follow you well.

For the walk of Faith,
Starts with a promise
That leads to a step,
That changes your world,
As a piece of heaven is sent.

The walk of faith to some is a mystery,
But as we walk we discover 
It’s the Word of God that leads on.

Promises discovered,
Become like a friend,
That leads to a step,
That changes your world,
As a piece of heaven is sent.

For the walk of Faith,
Starts with a promise,
That leads to a step,
That changes your world,
As a piece of heaven is sent.

Promises discovered,
Becomes like a friend,
That leads us to victory
Brings us hope in the end.

2 Peter 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be made partakers of the divine nature.

John's 1 st Look at the 23 rd Psalm

O' Lord,
You are everything I'd hope you'd be:
My beloved friend,
And my song in the night.
You're a Hope filled with compassion unending.
You're a Truth and a Joy that meets every need.

You lead my life to true meaning,
As I Find rest through your Presence.
Daily your mercy restores me,
Again to a place of no need.

My steps need not be straightened,
As I look for your face in my daily affairs.
Fears may come,
But are soon meet by your Spirit,
As your joy becomes my very strength.

Your correction reminds me You care enough to guide.
Place your Word seed in my heart
As through Your
Holy Spirit,
You speak in and through me,
Praising your Son,
The Ever Living One.


Thorns That Bleed

With whole Gospel in view,
Knowing that the God of forgiveness,
Forgive you.

Do you keep back your life from living in harmony,
Because of thy brother's sins,
Do you take out the thorns of pain,
Within your heart,
Even though they bleed.

For to be like He,
Without the shedding of blood
Forgiveness is never meant to be.

Ephesians 4:32 KJV
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

The Saviors Eyes

Look deep within the Saviors Eyes,
And listen to His heart's reply:
“Father Forgive for they know not why”
What is Truth and what is lie,

Look into the Savior's Eyes.
His pain is full,
Yet His Love's Divine.

The Father turns away,
Crucifying Him;
He who knows no sin,
Becomes an offering.
Paid in full,
The Father knows,
Won't you behold,
A grave that's empty,
As God's Love Stories told.


God Smiling At Me

I looked into God's face and what did I see?
Behold Father God was smiling at me.
How could this be?
God smiling at me?

Then I remembered,
“For God so loved the world,”
Included a sinner like me.
Still God smiling at me?
What of His holiness?
What about His wrath?
God smiling at me?

Then I sensed someone holding me tight.
It was the Arms of Jesus,
Wrapped in delight.
He said,
“For you I was crucified.”
Then I knew the smile of God,
Cost Jesus His life.
I then felt the scars in the hands of this One.
Eternity would declare Christ's payment complete.
The risen Savior's greatest Victory was in death's defeat.

John 3:16 KJV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.